Kamis, 21 Mei 2020

when to go to Jakarta

When to go Jakarta

When you go to jakarta during the dry season.Season in Jakarta often change sometimes hot and rainy consequences of climate change effect that change seasonal patterns are sometimes hot and rainy. Usually the dry season occurs between april to october and rainy season occurs between november to march.

Rainy season
The rainy season happen in Jakarta between november to march from november to desember there is a transition season between the dry season to the rainy season.from january to february is a the height of the rainy season.from march the rainfall is considered to decrease because as a transition season between rainy season and dry season.

Dry season
The dry season in Jakarta between April to october.from april there is a transition season between the rainy season to dry season.Where  in the month there was still rain with low intensity.from july happen temperature rise.from august to september a good time to visit beach for holiday.
